Ezekiel 37:6 I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you and you will come to life.’
Many of us use our imaginations the wrong way, we go to fear, worry and anxiety imagining the worst-case scenarios and what can go wrong. But God wants you to:
“Speak what you see in God‘s Word even when you are in the middle of your worst trial”.
Ezekiel was surrounded by dry bones. He’s standing in a valley of death and God tells him to speak life over these bones! Likewise, when you are surrounded by problems, trials, and delays, start speaking the life of God’s Word over them.
In verse 7 Ezekiel says, ‘So I prophesied as I was commanded’.
Faith speaks to the problem before it sees the power.
Many Christians want to see the power first, they want to see things beginning to turn around before they will start saying anything positive. But don’t wait until you see something before you say something. Because the declaration of faith is what activates the power of God’s Word to begin turning things around.
Look what happened when Ezekiel started speaking…
Verse 7: And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound…
Faith comes by hearing, not by seeing.
When Mary and I first heard God calling us to Hong Kong we went to our Leadership (Pastor Phil Pringle) and said this is what we are hearing. The eldership advised us to all pray for a month or two and reconvene. Everyone came back together and said they were all hearing the same thing. So our lives were now signed, sealed and delivered to spend the rest of our days in Hong Kong – but we had never, ever seen or set foot in Hong Kong. Faith comes by hearing and not by seeing.
When Mary, Jake and I first arrived in Hong Kong we heard; “start a service within six weeks”. We had nothing, no people, no team, no band, no production – we couldn’t see how we could start a service within six weeks of arriving in Hong Kong. But within six weeks we did and 91 people were at that first service! Faith comes by hearing and not by seeing.
It is so important to walk by faith and not by sight. If you wait for what you see you will always walk by what you see and not by faith.
Ezekiel then said in verse 7 he saw the “bones coming together”.
He had spoken the Word of God and now he saw the power of God. Everything might not yet be together in your life, but as you continue to declare the promises of God over your life by faith, you will see things coming together. Keep declaring and believing that things are coming together! I’m believing with you!