Giving a Response to His Grace
So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. – 2 Corinthians 9:7
At Grace Revival Church, giving is an act of worship and thanksgiving, born out of a revelation of who Jesus is and the abundance of His grace in our lives. Giving is our joyful response to His love—a declaration that says, “Lord, You are my source, and I trust in Your supply.”
Tithes and offerings received at Grace Revival Church Hong Kong fund the vision and activities of our church. Every gift goes toward fulfilling our mission to see Jesus in all His glory and make Him known through the preaching of the Gospel.
We welcome you to join with the vision of Grace Revival Church Hong Kong to make an impact in our city, beyond, and for future generations to come.
Ways to Give
ATM & Internet Transfer
By Cheque
(Fast payment System)
If you would like to set up an automatic transfer by your bank account, please check with your bank regarding the practice that is applicable. Generally there are two ways to set up an auto-transfer:
1. Download a Standing Instruction Form for the transfer of funds from your bank website, complete the form inserting Grace Revival Church’s bank account details (HSBC A/C#: 817-400559-838) and submit that to your bank.
2. Online Banking System - this is the quickest and most convenient way which we recommend to you.
*Please email the transfer receipt to:
VIA ATM & Internet Transfer
Account Name: Grace Revival Church Hong Kong Limited
Bank Name and branch: Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Bank City (or Region): Hong Kong
Bank Branch (Code): 004 (Tsim Sha Tsui)
*Please email the transfer receipt to:
HSBC account no: 817-400559-838 (Enter as follows: 817400559838)
Swift Code (International transfers only): HSBCHKHHHKH
Reference input: e.g. Tithe; Building Fund; Gift
*Please email us the detail receipt.
Vision builders
HSBC account no: 817-744667-838 (Enter as follows: 817744667838)
Swift Code (International transfers only): HSBCHKHHHKH
Reference input: e.g. vision builders
*Please email us the detail receipt.
By Cheque
Please make cheque payable to “Grace Revival Church Hong Kong Limited”.
FPS (Fast payment System)
If you have online banking, you can transfer your giving to Grace Revival Church Hong Kong Limited FPS ID: 6384069 .
The giving we receive is used for the work of God’s kingdom, in line with our church’s vision and mission. We apply good governance principles in our operations and are continually vigilant over our financial processes and accountability to our members and the governing authorities.
There is a strict no-refund policy in place that will deter attempts at money laundering or financial shenanigans through contributions to the church. Should we discover or even just suspect any attempt to launder money or finance crime and terrorism through the giving to our church, or links between criminal activities and givers or recipients of our church’s community outreach work, we will not hesitate to make a report to the relevant authority.
Tax Deductibility
As recognized by the Inland Revenue Department Hong Kong, Grace Revival Church Hong Kong Limited is a registered charity and is entitled to exemption under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance (CAP. 112).
A deduction is granted, for tax purposes under the Inland Revenue Ordinance, for donations of money made to Grace Revival Church Hong Kong Limited.
To be issued with a donation receipt for your tax records, please contact our church office for further details about giving & receipt procedures.
If you have any question regarding the giving of tithes and offerings, please email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.