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grace revolution - BY PASTOR joseph prince


It’s a revolution that is bringing believers into a deep, intimate relationship with the person of Jesus. Precious lives are being transformed, marriages are being restored, the sick are being healed, and many are being freed from the bondages of sin.

In his book GRACE REVOLUTION, Joseph Prince, international bestselling author and a leading voice in proclaiming the gospel of Grace, offers five powerful keys that will help you experience firsthand the Grace Revolution in your own life and live above defeat.

These five, powerful, Bible-based keys are:

  • Grow in Boldness and Confidence

  • Build a Foundation for Lasting Breakthroughs

  • Value the Person of Jesus

  • Speak the Language of Faith

  • Receive His Abundant Restoration

See how these keys can work easily for you, as you read inspiring stories of people who experienced amazing breakthroughs and transformations when they encountered the real Jesus and heard the unadulterated gospel. Whatever your challenge today, begin to step away from defeat and take a massive leap toward your victory. Let the revolution begin!

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The Power Of Right Believing:
7 Keys To Freedom From Fear, Guilt & Addiction - By pastor joseph prince

If you can change what you believe, you can change your life!

Many today are struggling to control their behaviors and actions because they don't have control over their emotions and feelings, their thoughts, and ultimately, what they believe.

But there is a way out of this vicious cycle of defeat.

THE POWER OF RIGHT BELIEVING will guide you to victory through simple but practical keys.

For example:

  • Believe In God's Love For You

  • Learn To See What God Sees

  • Receive God's Complete Forgiveness

  • Win The Battle For Your Mind

These kingdom keys are Bible-based principles that will calibrate your mind to develop positive habits for right believing. Start believing right and experience freedom from every fear, guilt, and addiction.


Destined to reign - BY PASTOR joseph prince

Discover the secret of reigning over every adversity, lack and destructive habit that is limiting you from experiencing the success, wholeness and victory that you were destined to enjoy.

Find out how it is not about what you have to do, but about what has already been done.

It is not about what you must accomplish, but about what has already been accomplished for you. It is not about using your will power to effect change, but about His power changing you.

Start reigning over sickness, financial lack, broken relationships and destructive habits today!


Live the let-go life - BY PASTOR joseph prince

Unending daily to-do lists. The frantic pace of modern living. The race to stay relevant in the face of disruption. The very real threat of superbugs and terror in our everyday lives...

It’s not hard to see why so many people today are experiencing stress, worry, and anxiety attacks.

Unfortunately, these aren’t simply innocent states of emotion—they can insidiously develop into chronic depression, psychosomatic illnesses, and lead to destructive behaviors. But here’s the good news: While stress is depleting and debilitating, it can be defeated and driven from your life.

In Live the Let-Go Life, Joseph Prince shows you how to beat stress and anxieties that come with the everyday demands and pressures of modern living. Discover how you were not designed by God to live under stress, but called to live the life of rest. You will learn how to let go of stress and see His grace flow unabated in the worry-free areas of your life.