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God Has Counted Me Faithful

My company has been undergoing restructuring and I received a call from my boss telling me that unfortunately, I was one of the employees who was made redundant. While I was disappointed, I sensed that the Holy Spirit reassured me in my heart, “Do not worry, ‘all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.’ (Romans 8:28)” So, despite the news, my heart was at peace and settled.

I started applying for work and decided that I would be open to opportunities. I could be working for a charity, an NGO, a start-up, an academic institution, a business organization, or another corporate. I did not want to limit God or myself, and funny enough, the first job interview I went for was a “CEO” position!

I must admit that this whole period was very stressful and exhausting. I was busy finishing up and preparing to exit my former company. At the same time, I was working around the clock and over the weekends to prepare for applications and interviews. I cried so much when I prayed and worshipped God in my quiet time. But I have learned a very important lesson: my circumstances may be speaking to me negatively, but I need to preach back! Every time I have a discouraging thought, emotion, or whatever, I refuse to bow down to fears, but to switch on my faith, switch on to eCharis Bible College, and focus on Jesus, His promises, and His word, Amen!

I remember one day I was asking God to show me that He loves me. On the same day, I was invited to be chairman of a long-established reputable charitable foundation. Even though this is a pro-bono position, I thank God for the honor and privilege to lead and serve the community. Moreover, after many interviews and tests, I have received an excellent offer! I have just started working for one of the most well-known prestigious companies in the world, in the specialized function that I am trained for and passionate about covering the Asia Pacific region.

1 Timothy 1:12 says that “And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry…” I am very grateful to Jesus who has empowered me. He has counted me faithful because of His love and righteousness. He has blessed me above and beyond to be a blessing in the marketplace and in the ministry!