Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Jesus was speaking to people who were weary, tired and worn out because of the heavy yoke of the law of Moses. The law was burdensome and hard because it simply judged people based on what they did and showed no mercy. If a poor widow with two starving sons stole a loaf of bread to feed them, and was caught, the law would judge her. It wouldn't take into consideration her impoverished situation.

But the yoke of grace is very different from the law. Grace, unlike the law also carries the mercies of God.

Consider the story of the woman who was caught in the act of adultery. This is a sin that is far worse than stealing a loaf of bread but look at how Jesus responds to her – not through the law but through grace and mercy. He did not condemn her and His mercy empowered her to no longer live a life of sin!

Throughout the four Gospel accounts of Jesus' life, what He is demonstrating to you and me is the grace of God. He had not yet gone to the cross and He was actually living under the law. But because Jesus was not only the perfection of God’s law but also love shown through grace and mercy, He demonstrated the true nature of God.

The real purpose of the law was to reveal humanity's corrupted state because of sin, so humanity would realise it needed a Saviour. Jesus is that Saviour and He is just waiting for you to turn to Him.

Turning to Jesus does not mean you first need to turn your life around and make yourself right so He will accept you. No, it's turning to Him to forgive you, to redeem you, to restore you and to heal you and do whatever you need Him to do for you.

This is how Jesus provides rest for weary souls.

No longer do you have to strive and struggle through self-effort. You can rest in the knowledge that Jesus took all your sin and the heavy burdens of life that bring condemnation and shame.

Every time you fail, don’t turn to self-inflicted punishment or works to see your way through. Just turn to Jesus and receive His mercies and thank Him for His forgiveness at the cross.

Say to Jesus, “Lord, I cannot but you can”. Let His precious and powerful blood go to work on your behalf and wash away the stain of shame and condemnation. Let it purify and cleanse your mind.

Come to Jesus and find rest for your heavy, weary soul. His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

Pastor Wayne Simpson


Come to Jesus and find rest for your weary soul. His yoke is easy and His burden is light.