Psalm 29:4 The voice of the LORD is powerful; the voice of the LORD is full of majesty.
In Psalm 29 King David reflects on the majesty and the power of God’s voice.
The world was formed by God’s voice. David was in awe of creation and how God’s voice created the waters, the lands and all within and upon them.
Hearing the voice or the Word of God is a key to faith.
Romans 10:17 “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the WORD OF CHRIST”.
These last three words are the most important three words in this sentence because it is faith in God you want. Faith does not come through hearing powerful motivational messages. All these will do is build up your faith in YOU. But what you want is faith in Christ! Faith grows by hearing the Good News about Jesus.
When you hear the Good News about Jesus being preached (what He did for you upon the cross) – faith will rise up within you. You will sense faith rising within you to believe, where you had no belief before. This is what happened to the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years.
The story is told in Matthew 5:25-34.
Jesus was attracting some large crowds and they were surrounding him, pressing against him. It says there was also a woman there with an incurable disease. She had been to all the doctors. In fact, she had spent all of her money on doctors, yet her condition only grew worse.
This is a picture of hopelessness. This is what life is like for so many people in the world today. They fall into depression and some even take their own lives because there is no good news left in their life.
But look what verse 27 says: “When she heard about Jesus…”
What did she hear – she heard the good news about Jesus healing people! Whenever you hear the good news about Jesus faith will come, depression will go!
So this woman set her mind towards touching Jesus because she said to herself “If I just touch his clothes I will be healed”.
So she pushed her way through the crowd – no doubt she was pushed back, even knocked down but she kept getting back up and pushed her way through. Eventually, she saw Jesus within her grasp, she reached out and touched Jesus, and power immediately left His body and entered into this woman, instantly healing her!
Touching Jesus didn’t heal her, it was her faith. (Jesus says this in verse 34). There were many people touching and pressing against Jesus that day but only this woman got healed.
But what got her in this place was what she heard about Jesus. What you hear is so important. Always be hearing the good news – that Jesus heals, that Jesus provides, that Jesus delivers and sets people free. This will produce the faith that you need to receive your miracle!