Grace Revival Church Hong Kong

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Psalm 23:5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over.

This is such a powerful picture of the Lord’s protection. Even in the presence of your enemies the Lord has prepared His banquet table for you to peacefully enjoy with your loved ones. As you enjoy this treasured time, He anoints your head with oil and causes your cup of provision to run over!

Psalm 23:5 is also a picture of the Lord’s Table and how God has made provision for your health and wholeness through partaking of the Holy Communion.

Health and wholeness are part of God’s plan of redemption – it is not just about eternal life in the next life – the word Salvation (“Sozo”) means: Deliverance from sin, sickness and death and provision of health, wholeness, preservation, prosperity and abundant life now!

In 1 Corinthians 11, Paul tells the Church how to partake of the Lord’s supper – how to come to the Table that He has prepared before you in the presence of your enemies.

He says, “whoever eats the bread and drinks the cup in an unworthy manner is guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord…”

When Paul says “in an unworthy manner” what he is referring to is when you do not understand or believe what you are doing and what it represents. So Holy Communion is not for unbelievers, it’s for Believers.

The power of Holy Communion is that it is a way to escape the curse of sickness and disease. It is a holy delivery system of Christ’s life, health, and well-being. God does not want you to suffer the curse of sickness and He has given you a way of escape paid for through the blood and broken body of His Son.

As a family we regularly take Communion and we have seen God’s healing power again and again.

I recall when our son Jake, went on a soccer camp in the USA, but he had a persistent back problem. We continued to believe for his healing for an entire month before the trip. There was no change in his health. But we just continued to take communion, thanking Jesus for purchasing Jake’s healing, and on the very day his soccer camp commenced, Jake woke up perfectly well and whole!

Another time Jake was doing some boxing training in the gym and he came home with acute pain in his lower back. As a typical father, I said “let’s see what it’s like in the morning” but we scheduled him an appointment with a physiotherapist just to be responsible. But that night we also took Holy Communion and believed for his healing. And guess what, we had to cancel that appointment because he woke up well and healed!

As a Believer, receive the invitation of the Lord to receive His grace and come boldly to the Lord’s Table and receive His health, strength, and wholeness of life!

Pastor Wayne Simpson


The Holy Communion is heaven’s delivery system of Christ’s life, health and well-being.