Job 5:19 He shall deliver you in six troubles, yes, in seven no evil shall touch you.
Have you ever found yourself in a place where other people are trying to provoke you in an attempt to break you or make you mad? But you have made up your mind that whatever they do, they are not going to affect you?
There is a saying for this... “they cannot touch you”.
The truth is no one or anything can actually make you respond in any given way – because we have the power to control our every response. Your spouse does not make you respond like that. Your kids do not make you respond like that. Other crazy drivers on the road do not make you respond like that – what makes you respond the way you do is what is still in your heart and how you are thinking about the situation.
A divine truth is this... you might not be able to control what happens to you or control what happens around you, but you can always control your response.
And this is a key when it comes to dealing with our spiritual enemy, the devil. His goal is to always get you to respond in the wrong way – he wants you to feel discouraged, depressed, downcast, and in despair. But if you make up your mind that whatever the devil throws at you (through a spouse, a child, an angry driver), your response is always going to be one that looks to God and the truth of His Word – no evil of the enemy will be able to touch you.
Job made up his mind that he was not going to curse God. Regardless of what the devil was throwing at him, he maintained his honor toward God. And we see the deliverance of the Lord coming through.
Right throughout the Bible, we see the deliverance of the Lord in the lives of those who chose to honor God in the face of their enemies.
David stood before Goliath and the entire Philistine armies who were defying Israel and their God. They made David mad but he didn’t rise up against them in his own strength – or what the Bible calls the ‘flesh’. The key to David’s success and deliverance was in the Lord. He declared to Goliath that the battle is the Lord’s. (1 Samuel 17:47)
It's a similar story with Moses and Pharaoh. God commanded Moses to lead Israel out of Egypt and into the Wilderness. Moses was up against the most powerful military might in the world at that time. Yet deliverance was not in the strength or might of Israel. It was in the strength and might of their God who brought judgment upon the gods of Egypt. (Exodus 12:12)
King Jehoshaphat was facing several armies that had joined forces together against Israel. But the Lord commanded King Jehoshaphat that he would not need to fight in this battle. Just look to the Lord and watch Him bring you deliverance. (2 Chronicles 20:15,17)
And it is the same for you and I today.
Turn to the Lord and say “Lord, I cannot but you can”. Hand over to Him the problems and the issues that you are trying to solve. Let Him deal with ‘stuff’ that is still down there in your heart. That’s when nothing can touch you!