Genesis 26:18 Isaac unblocked the wells that had been dug in the time of his father Abraham…
Not everyone is going to like you being blessed. Like Isaac, other people became envious of his blessing and they asked him to leave and go somewhere else. This is not all that they did. They saw the Lord’s blessing in his life, so they blocked up those wells.
The enemy will always come to attack the blessing. And the way the Philistines attacked Isaac’s blessing was to start filling in all of his father’s wells. They blocked them up!
But look what Isaac does. He starts excavating – he unblocks those wells. And here is the spiritual principle:
It’s in the unblocking of the well, that the blessing begins to flow.
This is an important metaphor in life. What is blocking the blessing from flowing in your life?
Medically when we are all blocked up it might be because of our sinuses, we can’t breathe freely and we feel run down and tired. In the world of sports, when the athlete is blocked up they have lost their flow or rhythm. Financially it means cash flow is tightening up and something needs to happen to get that currency flowing again.
The unblocking of our inner well, the living well, is important spiritually because we can be planting lots of seed and doing a lot of sowing, but if our heart is blocked up, we won’t be fruitful.
Proverbs 4:23 says, Above all else guard your heart.
Guarding your heart is a term that refers to protecting your heart from unforgiveness, hardness through setbacks or difficulties, negative or cynical mindsets, fear or unbelief.
Spiritually, being blocked up was described by Jesus in the Parable of the Sower in Mark 4.
He described it in terms of our heart being blocked up with rocks, weeds and the worries of life that cause the Word of God to be unfruitful. This is where we need to do some excavating. Faith excavates and removes those rocks, weeds and the worries of life.
Notice that Isaac didn’t dig new wells, he unblocked the old wells. The way people deal with disappointment and failure is to leave one thing or one place and try a new thing – in other words: dig new wells. But this doesn’t deal with the issues of the heart that are blocking up the living well from flowing.
How do we unblock our wells? By letting go. When we carry wrong attitudes, bitterness, and worries, it's because we are holding onto them. Let them go, so God’s blessings which are always flowing can flow into you.
Start today with excavating the well of your heart. Let go of those attitudes and bitterness in your heart. Let go of those cares and those worries. Replace them with praise, thanksgiving; prayer and coming before the Lord daily. Excavate so the blessing of God can flow freely in your life!