Romans 15:13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy…as you trust in Him…
There are so many things in this world that can bring you a sense of joy and happiness and many of them are legitimate things that the Lord wants you to enjoy. The day you finally walk down the aisle and say “I do” is a day of rejoicing. The birth of a child is a great day of rejoicing. Graduating from school or university and getting your first job are days of rejoicing.
So these are all good things in your life that even bring great joy to the Lord – but the Apostle Paul reveals the one, unfailing foundation that will bring sustainable joy in your life – it is the God of Hope.
Romans 15:13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy…as you trust (faith) in Him.
There is nothing in this world that can fill you to overflowing with all joy except for the God of Hope. His joy is unquenchable, it’s everlasting and is without limits. Any joy you can receive from the world will always be limited and will only last for so long. But the joy that comes from the God of Hope is an everlasting well of joy that sustains you throughout life.
Hope is “a positive or confident expectation that something good is going to happen.”
And this is where hope and joy are related. It doesn’t matter what negative circumstance might be occurring around you, you can continually carry a spirit of joy because your hope is not from yourself or what you can do, it's from the God of Hope – Jesus.
Abraham knew this. In Romans 4:18 it says “Against all hope, in hope he (Abraham) believed…”
He and Sarah were well past child-bearing age – there was no hope left physically or in the natural. But the God of Hope gives life to dead, hopeless situations.
My friend, whenever you are feeling down and discouraged because of delays or your breakthrough is not coming or taking longer than expected, learn from Abraham. Draw comfort, faith, and encouragement from his story.
Hebrews 6:12 says … imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.
Imitate those – look at those in the scriptures and how they never gave up hope even when the situation was completely hopeless.
It's the same for you. The situation can be hopeless but you can be hopeful because Jesus is your God of Hope.