Grace Revival Church Hong Kong

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Romans 4:17 … God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did.

This verse can divide the Christian spectrum based on how they see God and themselves.

Some people have no problems with God giving life and calling those things which do not exist as though they did – but they struggle with this concept when individuals doing it.

But this is the only way to walk and live by faith.

It starts with the understanding that you have been created in the image and likeness of God; that you have been redeemed by Christ and that God has placed His Spirit within you. This is your identity and as citizens of Heaven, living and walking by faith means you possess a Heavenly perspective, rather than an earthly perspective to life.

What this also means is when it comes to dealing with sickness, lack, and trials – although we do not deny these things, faith looks to your position in Christ and what He has done for you and calls it forth over your life!

When God wanted to make Abraham a father of many nations, what did He do? He changed the way Abraham saw and talked about himself by changing his name from Abram to Abraham – a father of many nations! (Genesis 17:5). This meant every day when Sarah would call out “Abraham”, what she was really calling forth was – father of many nations! God changed the way Abraham and Sarah talked so they would call forth what God already saw them as.

Jesus demonstrated this principle when He walked the earth… He told the man with a withered hand “Stretch out your hand” (Matthew 12:13) – He called forth what He wanted. He told the paralytic “Rise, take up your bed and go home” (Matthew 9: 6) – He called forth what He wanted. He told the dead body of Lazarus lying in the tomb “Lazarus, come forth!” (John 11:43) – He called forth what He wanted.

The creation story reveals the same set of principles. God called forth what He wanted and created something out of nothing. He didn’t complain or talk about the darkness or what didn’t exist.

And this needs to become the pattern for your own life.

What do you need to be calling forth? Is it healing? Is it a new job? Is it something that relates to your family? Don’t dwell on the problem or complain about the problem. Faith looks only to the solution and calls forth the answer. This is what it means to walk and live by faith. If this is new to you then it will probably be awkward and even unnatural at first. At times you will find your mindset and your feelings going to the negative and focusing on the problem but this is where you have to start changing the way you think, live and speak.

Faith calls forth what it wants. God’s Word reveals what belongs to you as a child of God. Go ahead and call it forth.

Pastor Wayne Simpson


Faith looks only to the solution and calls forth the answer.