Luke 2:40 And the Child (Jesus) grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him.
One of the principles of Biblical interpretation is the “Literary Context”. Words have meaning in sentences, and in the Bible, sentences have meaning in preceding and succeeding sentences. Therefore, the choice and combination of the words the Holy Spirit uses, provide great insight to us and the verse above is a classic example.
What we are told is that Jesus as a child grew strong in spirit and in wisdom. The grace of God abounded in Jesus’ life. And it is the grace of God that brings this strength and wisdom into your life.
This is an important revelation because many Christians have a limited, watered-down understanding of grace and reduce it to something that permits a sinner to be saved. But grace is more than just “saving grace” – it is the entire gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ from beginning to end.
Grace was first mentioned in the Bible in Genesis 6:8 in reference to Noah. This was during a time when sin had abounded to such an extent throughout the world that all civilization had degenerated to its lowest point ever – except for Noah.
It says, “Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord”. Noah’s name means rest. And using the principle of Literary Context, another way to say this is “Rest found grace in the eyes of the Lord”.
This is giving you insight into how to grow strong in grace like Jesus did. It is not through striving and working for it – but through rest. We see this in the life of Jesus.
John 5:19 says, “The Son can do nothing of Himself. He can only do what He sees His Father doing”.
Now, who is greater, you or Jesus? Obviously, it’s Jesus. So if Jesus, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords cannot do things in His own strength, but only that which the Heavenly Father reveals to Him, why do we try to live this life in our own strength?
In the same way, grace empowered and strengthened Jesus, that same grace comes upon you when you rest and trust in God rather than worry, stress, and become anxious driven.
Don't worry about your career but trust God.
Don't worry about your financial situation, but trust God.
Don't worry about your children, but trust God.
Don’t worry about those you lead and disciple, but trust God.
Rest is talking about that inner state of trust in your heart. So carry an inner rest and allow the Lord’s grace to strengthen you in spirit and fill you with wisdom.