Grace Revival Church Hong Kong

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Matthew 6:33 But seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.

When I truly understood what Jesus is saying here is when I saw trouble and problems being solved.

In verse 31 Jesus says do not worry about what to eat or drink or what you will wear – in other words He is saying don’t worry about these important necessities of life, the things that are at the source of many of our problems and troubles. Because God knows that you have need of these things.

In verse 32 He says don’t seek after these things the way the Gentiles do.

What is important and what the English translations lose, is Jesus uses two different words for the word “seek”.

  • In verse 32 “Seek” is the word “epizeteo” – meaning to seek with all their might, sweat, and stress.

  • In verse 33 “Seek” is the word “zeteo” – meaning to hunger, desire, and worship.

When it comes to the world, people are stressing and striving to get ahead, they compete against one another working incredibly long hours, taxing their bodies, health, families, and marriages.
But God doesn’t want His children to be like that, rather He wants you to understand the keys of the Kingdom and how success flows through the inner world of the heart, through hungering and desiring after God. And this disposition, Jesus says, is what attracts favor and blessings to add up in your life. (Matthew 6:33)

The Bible says in Romans 14:17, the Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Kingdom life is not about what happens on the outside, but what is happening on the inside. When you seek God’s Kingdom, His righteousness, peace, and joy begin flowing out of you.

This abundant life of the Kingdom is already within you. The tap that causes it to flow is “seeking God”.

So how do I “seek God”?

  • It is being conscious of your righteousness in Christ; that you are so loved by Christ.

  • It is carrying a heart of thanksgiving to God

  • It is desiring Him

  • It is praising and prioritizing Him

  • It is exalting His Word in your life

  • It is meditating upon His scriptures through prayer

When you seek God and His righteousness, you will eventually see your troubles dissolving around you.

Pastor Wayne Simpson


When you seek God first and His righteousness, all other things fall into place.