Grace Revival Church Hong Kong

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Romans 4:6-8 … David also describes the blessedness of the man to whom God imputes righteousness apart from works: Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered: blessed is the man to whom the Lord shall not impute sin.”

Who is David talking about here?

Well, so much of David’s writings are prophetic and speaking about the coming Messiah – Christ Jesus. But here, David is prophetically describing you and me. The church!

When David says “blessed is the man to whom the Lord shall not impute sin”, this means, even when that man does sin, God will not count his sin against him and nor judge or punish him. Why? Because Jesus was judged, punished and condemned upon the cross in the place of this man.

The reason this man is so blessed is because of the righteousness that God imputes upon him. And the powerful truth you need to possess is knowing that you are that righteous and blessed man or woman! Once you have accepted Christ into your heart to be your Lord and Saviour, God no longer judges, condemns or punishes you because of your sin – because all of your sin, past, present, and future has been judged and condemned upon the cross once and for all time!

That’s why the Bible calls Jesus’ work upon the cross a “finished work” (John 19:30). He dealt with all of your sins. You are blessed because the Lord no longer counts your sins against you.

The Apostle John confirms this in his writings. He says “…if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous” (1 John 2:1) Under the New Covenant of grace, Jesus is your Advocate, He represents you before God every time you miss it or sin.

What then do you say when you sin? Just look to Jesus and thank Him for the forgiveness of His blood. Thank Him that He is your Advocate and His blood covers all your sin.

Do you need to confess every sin that you have committed? Well, in reality, that is impossible to do and frankly, you would be spending your whole day asking for forgiveness. This is only going to establish a “sinfulness consciousness” that leads to more condemnation in your life. No, don’t think that you have to confess every sin to receive Jesus' forgiveness. You received forgiveness for all your sins when you first received Him into your life and He gave you His gift of righteousness.

Now it's time to become conscious of that righteousness every day!

Pastor Wayne Simpson


The good news for you today is God does not judge you nor hold your sin against you for all your sins have been judged at the cross.