Romans 4:6-8 …David also describes the blessedness of the man to whom God imputes righteousness apart from works: “Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered: blessed is the man to whom the Lord shall not impute sin.”
As a Believer, you are no longer judged because God has imputed His righteousness to you, rather than a righteousness through your own works. What makes it possible for God to no longer judge you, is He fully judged Jesus on the cross.
1 Corinthians 5:21 God made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us...
Jesus was made to be sin – singular! This spirit of sin is what corrupted humanity from the beginning in the Garden and the fruit of this sin is all the sins of humanity. So Jesus has dealt with the root issue of sin at the cross and the way you receive a pardon from the judgment of God is by simply receiving Christ and His forgiveness through His blood.
As a Believer, you can fully rest in this work of Christ.
But some Christians still have doubts that rob them of rest. They say, “How can I rest in God’s love when I read about God punishing people in the Old Testament? What about when King David was punished by God for committing adultery with Bathsheeba and their child died?”
Yes, the death of that child is tragic. But what you have to recall is David was living under the Old Testament when sin was imputed upon man. However, in the New Testament, sin is imputed upon Christ. Can you see that the cross is what makes all the difference?
Before the cross, sin and judgment were imputed upon man. But after the cross, sin and judgment are imputed upon Christ.
This is why as Believers we give God all the glory and thank Him for what Jesus has done.
The greatest knowledge you can carry in this life is the truth that your sins are not imputed upon you but upon Christ. That will set you free from condemnation, judgment and anything else that the devil tries to pin upon you.
But you may say, "Pastor, I’ve been struggling with some issues in certain areas of my life that I keep giving in to." My friend, Jesus' blood upon that cross still goes to work for you every day. Every time you are slipping into temptation, every time you do fall, turn to Jesus and thank Him for the righteousness He purchased for you through His blood. Take the Holy Communion and proclaim the truth it declares over your life.
Every time you do this you are glorifying Jesus through acknowledging what He has done for you. The more conscious you are of Jesus' gift of righteousness, the more you will see His grace dealing with every temptation in your life and those sinful tendencies will become less and less. Eventually, grace gives you full dominion over sin! (Romans 6:14)