Grace Revival Church Hong Kong

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Romans 3:20 Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in God’s sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin.

The righteousness we receive from Jesus comes through faith, by simply believing it, not through trying to keep a set of laws.

So a question I always asked myself was “what was the purpose of the law (the Ten Commandments)?” Romans 3:20 actually answers that question for me: “for by the law is the knowledge of sin”.

God gave the law for one purpose – to reveal sin in the world. Now let me take you on a quick Bible history lesson:

Sin (disobedience to God) came into the world through Satan. He deceived both Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Through sinfulness, Satan corrupted humanity at its core and brought separation with God. Now partaking of the fruit in the garden brought the knowledge of good and evil, but it is through “the law” that we understand what is good and what is evil.

Without the law, there is no knowledge of sin. Consider a simple illustration of road rules. If there are no speeding limits on the road, then there are no rules to be broken and enforced. You can speed and no police officer is going to pull you over because there are no speed limits. But as soon as we introduce speed limits on the roads, the law has been introduced and if you speed, a police officer is going to enforce the law and book you, even take your license away from you!

So in simple terms: No law equals no knowledge of sin. No knowledge of sin equals no need for a Savior.

But God knew humanity was corrupted at its spiritual core and condemned through sinfulness. God knew humanity could not uncorrupt themselves and needed a Saviour. So the purpose of the law was not to make you “godly”, it was to reveal your sinfulness and your need of a Savior – Jesus Christ.

Romans 3:23: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

The devil's purpose is to always get you to keep the law through your own effort. But all this will do is make you feel guilty and condemned because it's impossible to keep the law. The devil will then enslave you through accusation, fear and condemnation.

But the good news that sets you free from guilt, condemnation and the accusations of the devil is knowing that righteousness is a gift from God. It doesn’t come through your ability to keep the law, it comes through your belief in Jesus.

Dwell on this. Let it sink deep into your spirit so you live out of God's free gift of righteousness.

Pastor Wayne Simpson


Righteousness does not come through your ability to keep the law, it comes through your belief in Jesus.