Grace Revival Church Hong Kong

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Romans 8:1-2 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.

Most doctors agree that stress and anxiety are the cause of many physical, mental and emotional sicknesses and issues in people's lives. They will tell you that the root of many of these issues can be traced back to fear.

Well, do you know what the deepest and most destructive root of many of our problems are in the spiritual realm? It is condemnation! Condemnation exists in the realm of your conscience, it is that part of you that reveals good from bad, from a worldly point of view. But from a spiritual or biblical viewpoint, our conscience is described as either a good conscience or an evil (guilty) conscience.

Hebrews 10:22: let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty (evil) conscience…

An evil or guilty conscience will always remind you of what you have done wrong – you will be perpetually conscious of sin, your failure, shame, and condemnation. But a good conscience will remind you of who you are in Christ Jesus and what He has purchased for you – that you are forgiven, redeemed and righteous through the blood of Jesus.

So many Believers are unknowingly deceived by the devil of true intimacy with God because they carry a guilty or evil conscious. They are so aware of their past and present failings that they are always talking themselves down. A guilty conscience or condemnation is the real root of our issues.

But can you see what these scriptures above are saying to you?

One is saying there is now “no condemnation” because of what Jesus has done for you through His blood on the cross. The other is saying that His blood has cleansed us from a guilty conscience. Both condemnation and a guilty conscience reside in the realm of the mind.

It’s time to start changing what you are thinking about in your mind. That's the key. Many think the key is their ability to change their behavior – no, it's changing what they are thinking.

Once you start thinking and believing what Jesus has done for you – that He has removed all condemnation, that He has cleansed you from a guilty conscience, that’s when you will begin to see changes happening in your lifestyle. Your responsibility is not to change your own behavioral patterns – your responsibility is to start thinking and believing what Jesus about you.

My friend, allow the truth about God’s grace and the gift of His righteousness to settle your hearts once and for all and uproot any evil conscience of condemnation in your life!

You are forgiven, set free and delivered by the blood of Jesus. Because Jesus' work on the cross was a permanent work, God now says to you For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more. (Hebrews 8:12)

Pastor Wayne Simpson


God’s grace and the gift of righteousness uproot condemnation from your heart.