Grace Revival Church Hong Kong

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Hebrews 8:10-12 But this is the new covenant I will make … I will put my laws in their minds, and I will write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. And I will forgive their wickedness, and I will never again remember their sins.”

Several years ago I had a coffee catch up with a guy in his mid-thirties and he was struggling to see himself accepted by God because of all the things that he had done wrong. Because he was unfaithful to his wife and had done a lot of really bad things (in his mind) he found it too hard to comprehend that God could completely forgive him.

I showed him this scripture above from Hebrews – that God made a New Covenant with us (through His Son on the cross) and in this New Covenant God fully forgives our wrongdoings and completely forgets all of our sins!

Unfortunately, this man was so filled with condemnation that he found this verse too hard to believe. He thought to himself there must be some special conditions that we have to do first for God to completely forget all our sins.

This man was enslaved through wrong believing. He felt that he had to do something right before God could completely forgive him. If this were true then there is no need for grace and no need for Jesus to have gone to the cross.

But this is one of the most common lies of the devil – to make it so hard for even Believers to accept that God completely forgets their sins!

“How can God forget all my sins”, you might be thinking to yourself?

Well God is not like you. He is not limited by the things that limit us. He created all the things that even our limited minds cannot comprehend. So, if He says He will never again remember your sins He can do that. But what makes it possible for Him to do that is because all your sins and the sins of the world, in the past, the present and the future were imputed upon Christ on the cross. Jesus was completely and fully condemned and judged upon the cross so that the debt of sin would be fully paid for!

All we have to do to receive that down-payment, also called redemption, is to believe and receive it from Jesus.

At a conference, I once heard a preacher saying when we get to heaven there will be a big screen where all our sins will be played. I thought what a silly thing to say! No there won’t be! All records of your sins have been washed away by the blood of Jesus when He cried out “It is finished!” (John 19:30)

When God looks at you today, He sees you completely covered and washed by the blood of Jesus and you are now completely covered by His righteousness.

Pastor Wayne Simpson


Every time you are conscious of sin or the sins of your past, turn to God and remember that He has completely forgotten and forgiven all your sins!