Grace Revival Church Hong Kong

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Revelation 1:8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord…

In John 1, the Scriptures reveal that Jesus is the Word of God and here in Revelation 1, it reveals that Jesus is not only the “Beginning” but also the “End”. Not only is He saying “I have the first word in every situation in your life, but I also have the Final Word”!

You might have just received a negative report from the doctor, or from your boss. Maybe a relationship has not worked out. Whatever the negative report is, you need to understand that it is not the final word.  Jesus is always the Final Word in your situation because He declares to you that He is your Alpha and your Omega – your beginning and your end!

“Alpha” and “Omega” are the first and the last words of the Greek alphabet. Now although the New Testament was recorded in Greek, Jesus actually did not speak in Greek – He spoke Aramaic (Hebrew). So Jesus would have actually said:

I am the “Aleph” and the “Tav”.

These are the first and the last words of the Hebrew alphabet. But look at this – Aleph is associated with an ‘Ox’ and Tav, is associated with a ‘Cross’. And when Jesus says to you that He is your “Alpha” (Aleph) and “Omega” (Tav) He is reminding you that He is the living sacrifice that went to the cross for you. He became your sacrifice so that you would be set free from sin, sickness, and death!

It is through the cross that Jesus has the Final Word in your life because it’s on that cross that He declared “It is finished!” Everything the devil came to rob, to kill and to destroy about your life (John 10:10), Jesus has come to bring restoration and make you whole.

There are many Christians today who go to a place of discouragement and even depression when bad things happen or they receive negative news. Friend, you do not have to go to this place when you understand that Jesus has the Final Word in your situation.

Your boss never has the final word – Jesus does. Your deteriorating health never has the final word – Jesus does. Your bank balance never has the final word – Jesus does!

Look at the life of Joseph. He was disowned by his brothers and thrown into a pit; sold into slavery never to be seen again. He was falsely accused and discarded into prison and then forgotten about. But neither man or anything of this world has the final word. When you prioritise God and make Him first in your life, God will see to it that He always has the final word and Joseph was fully restored not only with his family but also into the place of authority.

Jesus is your Final Word. Don’t allow negative circumstances or negative people or a negative past to be the final word in your life.

Your future is bright, it is big and it is glorious because Jesus has the Final Word and every promise that He went to the cross for, belongs to you and is yours today!

Pastor Wayne Simpson


Jesus has the Final Word and every promise that He went to the cross for, belongs to you and is yours today!