Grace Revival Church Hong Kong

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Deuteronomy 28:7 The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways.

Some Christians think if there are problems in their life or they are coming under attack, then they must be doing something wrong. But living a victorious life in Christ does not mean that you will never come under attack, it means that when you do come under attack, your enemy will come from one direction but flee from you in seven!

When you believe what Christ has done for you, that's when you move from being a victim to becoming victorious in Christ.

A picture the world comically presents is that of the devil and angels always being in a tug-o-war battle on the shoulders of people. But when you read the Bible, you will never come across a tug-o-war battle between Jesus and the spiritual forces of darkness. You only ever see the forces of darkness fleeing from Jesus!

Jesus commanded demons to leave. Even the devil is unable to remain in the presence of Jesus. The devil tried to test Jesus for a little while, but eventually, he had to leave. Likewise, you may find yourself being tested and tempted for a season, but your spiritual enemy cannot remain in the presence of a person who continues to look to Jesus.

All it took was just one word from Jesus and entire legions of demons would flee (Luke 8:26-39). And when the Word of God comes out of your mouth, it carries the same authority as when it comes out of Jesus’ mouth. Just declare the Word of God in faith, and your spiritual enemy will flee.

One place you will find the enemy coming against you will be in the market place. He might come against you from your competitors, your colleagues and/or your bosses. It might be through economic seasons or other market forces that cause the enemy to test you through worry, fear, and condemnation. This is a picture of the enemy coming against you in many different ways – but regardless of how he does, Deuteronomy 28:7 says they will flee from you in many more ways!

Jesus paid with His life to give you victory over these fiery darts of the enemy. His enemies were united and came against Him in the form of the Jewish people, the religious leaders, the Romans, and even the Gentiles – but He still triumphed over all of them through the cross.

This picture of the cross is what you need to look to and declare every time you feel the burden of pressure or circumstances beginning to conspire against you.

Don’t allow yourself to become a victim of circumstances – this only takes you toward fear, self-pity, and discouragement. Look to the cross. Towards the victory that Jesus purchased for you. Declare that victory! Meditate upon that victory! Focus on that victory! And the peace of God that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7) will begin to rise up from within you. It will rise out of your spirit and fill you with joy, trust, faith, and hope. It guards your mind and your heart from fear and worry and the attacks of the enemy.

Pastor Wayne Simpson


The Lord will cause all your enemies to be scattered before you.