Grace Revival Church Hong Kong

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Isaiah 54:2 “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. For you will spread out to the right and to the left; your descendants will dispossess nations and settle in their desolate cities.

One thing that you should not shy away from declaring is the Lord bringing new seasons, which often means ‘growth’, into your life.

Some people are afraid of growth and what it means. Others might think they are self-seeking and using faith for self-gain. But this misunderstands the purposes of God and the magnitude of the harvest fields waiting to be harvested.

The reason for the Lord’s blessing is so you are not only blessed but can become a bigger blessing to others.

The scriptures are very clear that in order to continue to see the abundant blessing of the Lord, you need to become a blessing. If God can get it through you He will get it to you – He will always be supplying seed to the sower. (2 Corinthians 9:10)

Isaiah says, Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide…

Often new seasons of growth are preceded by seasons of stretching. It actually feels like you are going backward – all of your resources feel stretched to the limit! But as you continue to stretch, to sow seed through your time, talents, and treasures you will see the Lord God bringing growth. That “stretch” feels painful now, but it will produce an increase in growth and in your capacity.

So much of this growth comes in the form of change and change is not bad. Don’t approach change from a negative point of view because you might miss what the Lord is actually doing. God would not allow change if there was not a specific purpose behind it. The very change many of us dislike is the stretch that nudges us into new places and onto new levels.

You might be in a perfectly comfortable place in life when it comes to family, work, church, but all of a sudden change comes. Maybe the support you had in the workplace is no longer there. Maybe your church is stretching and changing and it feels a little different. What is happening? God is stirring things up. And if you will trust God and be open to the winds of change and embrace it, you will be carried through on the wings of God into new places and new levels of authority and favor.

Maybe the Lord is preparing you for something unique in the marketplace, or for a new season of ministry in His House. Be open to it.

Remember, growth is not always financial, more often than not, it is spiritual or relational.

So don’t fight change. Embrace it. Declare that God is bringing new seasons of growth into your life that will cause you to become an even greater blessing than what you could have ever imagined!

Pastor Wayne Simpson


Today, I declare God is bringing seasons of change into my life that will bless many.  New doors are opening up to me.