Luke 2:52 And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.
As a child of God, in the same way, Jesus grew in wisdom, stature, and favor, so can you.
In the Bible, God promised Abraham and Sarah that they would have a child – the promised child Isaac. At first, Sarah couldn’t believe it in her old age and even laughed at the idea. But I love what God said to her in Genesis 18:14:
“Sarah, is there anything too hard for the Lord?”
God says the same thing to you and me. “Is there anything too hard for Me?”.
Do you think the dreams you have are too big for God to bring to pass? Do you think it is too hard for God to provide you with a place of your own? Do you think a relationship is too far gone even for God to be able to restore? Do you think you have to live with sickness or infirmity for the rest of your life?
No. What you need to do is to get a new vision today. You need to change your mindset and put on a new attitude. You need to see the favor of God growing upon you.
God says to you, "If you will take the limits off Me, I will amaze you. I can do abundantly above all that you ask or think. (Ephesians 3:20) So stop limiting Me by what you think I can and cannot do and start stretching your mind to believe and think big things."
Sometimes we think God has bigger and more important things to deal with than my little personal life. But once again that’s limiting God. God has the ability to think of the entire world all in one moment and He can attend to every individual that calls upon HIm and the entire universe all at once! So don’t think that you are too unimportant for God to consider.
When it comes to the dreams of the heart, God is the One who puts them there in the first place.
I know as a parent I love to do good things for my son and give him the very best. If we are out at a restaurant, I’ll give him the left-over delicacy that I am eyeing off because I want to bless him. Whether he deserves it or not, I will still buy him that expensive birthday present because I enjoy blessing him. Whether he has now destroyed five iPhones or not – I will go out and get him a sixth phone because I love blessing him.
This is the heart of God. Regardless of how many mistakes and slip-ups you make, God will always bless you because He loves doing that. It is not in His nature to reward you based on whether you deserve it or not. Grace is undeserved – but God lavishes us with His grace. He blesses you with every spiritual blessing the moment you receive Christ! (Ephesians 1:3)
When it comes to the favor of God – just believe Him and receive from Him.
Believe that He wants to bless you. Close your eyes and see that blessing, see that favor. That’s when you believe it and that’s when you will see it. Anoint yourself with oil, as a daily reminder that you are highly favored in the Lord and that favor causes you to excel and exceed throughout the day!