Grace Revival Church Hong Kong

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Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.

We love it when a leader has a plan and a strategy because it creates power, purpose and enables us to prioritize our resources accordingly. But God also has a plan and it's a plan that will prosper you, giving you a hope and a future!

This is the good work of God that you want to be declaring over your life. You might not even know what the plan of God is. You might only have an inkling of what it might be.  But the truth is you don’t really need to know all the details – all you need to know and believe is that God will bring to pass all the good things He has prepared for you.

Jesus said in John 6:29, “This is the work of God, to believe in the One he sent”.

The key to walking in the good work of God is simply to believe God will bring it to pass. It's believing in the One, God sent. In Christ, you will find every good and perfect gift of God. In Christ, you will find every spiritual blessing that belongs to you. In Christ, God provides for all your needs. Regardless of where your life is at or what might be happening, if you can just believe and trust God, I can say with all confidence, the plan of God will come to pass.

This was the story of Joseph’s life.

God reveals a plan and a purpose to him in a dream. It was vague and contained no specific details. Joseph’s life then seemed to go from bad to worse. He was left for dead in a pit, sold into slavery, falsely accused of rape, then imprisoned and forgotten. But then the gift that God had given him, at just the right place and right time, catapulted him into the highest place. He became the Prime Minister of Egypt!

Joseph experienced trials, tests, and difficulties but he simply believed God. That's all you have to do too. Carry a good opinion of God, year after year. Regardless of what happens to you or around you, your faith and trust will one day be rewarded because suddenly, everything will start happening! It all seemed to happen in a day for Joseph. One day he was in prison, the next he was in the palace.

Believe that you are called and anointed by God. Keep believing when you face trials and go through tough times. Keep believing when you stumble and fall. Brush yourself off and keep believing. God will fulfill His plans and purposes in your life if you keep believing. It will bring Him great glory.

Pastor Wayne Simpson


Today, I declare and believe that every good plan and purpose of God shall be fulfilled in my life.