Grace Revival Church Hong Kong

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Hebrews 4:16 Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Have you realized how humanity is trying to speed everything up?

We have instant coffee, instant noodles, instant everything. In our attempt to buy ourselves more time, more peace and quiet, we are trying to make everything we do quicker.

But have you also realized that no matter what we do, when it comes to the laws of life, it still takes nine months for a baby to be born; it stills takes about 18 or so years to grow into an adult; it still takes between 12 to 15 years to get an education. There are some things you just cannot speed up because that is the law of life.

And when it comes to the grace of God, it can only be lived out one day at a time.

Israel in the wilderness is a good picture of this. God provided them with fresh manna every day. God told Moses to collect it each day in the morning but only enough for one day. Some of the Israelites tried to collect more – but it went off and didn’t last more than one day.

Likewise, God does not give you grace for the week, or the month or the year. He gives you grace one day at a time and every new day you receive new grace. It is new grace, unique grace, to help you get through this day. It is like purchasing a train ticket and boarding a train. God gives you the grace as you are about to step on-board.

Sometimes you might be overwhelmed by events in the future thinking I cannot handle that. But this misunderstands the grace of God. When that situation finally arrives, the grace of God will be there to help you in your time of need.

You need to declare your confidence in the grace of God.

The world boasts confidence in self and in their own ability. Some men think they are like Superman and can fly themselves out of whatever situation comes their way – but they are self-deceived.

But when you declare your confidence in the grace of God, you are declaring “Lord I cannot, but you can!”. And when you enter through a dark valley, a difficult season or even a sickness, don't worry – God will give you the grace, the strength, and the favor to do what you need to do.

2 Corinthians 9:8 says, “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work”.

Declare your confidence in the grace of God – it will be sufficient for you in all things. It will enable you to abound in all things!

To remain conscious of the Lord’s grace (favor) every day, anoint yourself with oil – thanking the Lord for His favor that’s upon you today. Go into every day conscious of that favor and watch the difference the Lord’s favor makes.

Pastor Wayne Simpson


Today, I declare with confidence the goodness of God’s grace. It is with me today and will get me through every situation that I face.