Grace Revival Church Hong Kong

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Luke 18:1 ‘…men always ought to pray and not lose heart’.

Winston Churchill said it so eloquently in his famous speech…

Never, give in, never give in, never, never, never – in nothing great and small, large or petty – never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense”.

Never giving in is the secret of anyone’s success. If you just stick something out, you will make it. No one becomes successful in an instant. We don’t become a champion in any field of activity without long-term commitment to a goal. We will not taste sweet victory without overcoming trials, obstacles, and challenges, even setbacks.

Being resolute and not giving in, is a key. We see this in so many stories in life…

  • Colonel Sanders, the founder of KFC, knocked on 1009 restaurant doors before he received his first “yes” to his famous chicken recipe of 11 herbs and spices.

  • Star Wars was rejected by every movie studio in Hollywood, claiming that it wouldn’t be a success, before it was finally picked up. It is one of the largest grossing movies of all time.

  • The book “Chicken Soup For The Soul” was turned down by 123 publishers/booksellers before finally being picked up. It’s gone on to sell more than 53 million copies in the series.

These stories have one thing in common. Someone was determined, like when Jesus spoke of the widow in Luke 18 who said she would not give up until she received justice from that judge!

That widow had nothing except just a heart of persistence.

It doesn’t matter how small you are or how under-resourced you are. It’s like David with his sling-shot coming against the might and power of Goliath. David didn’t look at how big Goliath was. Instead, he compared Goliath to how big his God was and saw a huge mismatch!

Jesus is speaking from the position of principle. You can believe without a shadow of a doubt that whatever it is that you are believing for, it will come – God cannot lie! Just keep praying and don’t give up in all your standing firm and believing.

This is the heart attitude and the mindset that Jesus wants you to possess, especially when it comes to the Kingdom purposes of God. Jesus prayed in the Lord’s Prayer…

“your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven”…

This is God’s will, that the kingdom of heaven will also become the kingdom on earth.

And for this to become true, “prayer” is a key. I want you to succeed at all you do – in your family and career, but become a person who carries this kingdom mindset where your highest commitment is for God’s kingdom in heaven to come upon earth!

Pastor Wayne Simpson


Your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.