Grace Revival Church Hong Kong

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Psalm 30:5 For His anger is but for a moment, his favor is for life…

Our view (perspective or outlook) in life is so important. It affects everything. How we see and interpret things. How we respond and behave in life is all determined by our “view” on life.

If you walk outside with red-lensed glasses, everything will have a shade of red. If you always kept these glasses on, you would be viewing and interpreting the entire world differently from everyone else, but you will think your view is right, when in fact it’s flawed.

The Bible says the “eyes are the window of the soul” meaning, if we have hurts, issues, offenses, or anything that can cause our ‘view’ to be blurred, cracked, or distorted, we are not going to interpret and view things correctly.

I love this comment made by King David: ‘God’s anger is but for a moment, but His favor is for life’.

David had one of the best ‘views’ out of anyone in the Bible. That’s why God said he had a heart after God’s own heart. David was able to see things from the perspective of God’s heart. God is just, gracious, kind, merciful, forgiving, generous. He is overflowing with compassion, favor, and goodness.

So many people have the wrong view of God. They think He shows favor for a moment and is angry for life. People draw their conclusions from their “experiences” in life like:

  • Being adversely treated by one Christian – and this one person has disaffected their entire view of Christians and the church.

  • Reading a statement by Jesus in the Bible that looks too hard or appears impossible to ever live up to in life. This one verse has disaffected their entire view of the Bible.

  • Experiencing or seeing a tragedy that seems unexplainable. This one event has disaffected their entire view of God.

But we are told to follow one person only – Jesus.

When reading your Bible, Old or New Testament, always read a verse, a paragraph, or book of the Bible through the lens of ‘the good news about Jesus’. The entire Bible always comes back to the good news about Jesus going to the cross for you.

For tragic events and trials that cannot be explained. Go to Jesus and let Him through His Grace and His Spirit heal you. Trust Him to teach you. Forgive. Don’t allow the trial to distort your view of God or life.

God’s favor is for life. He is merciful – that means full of mercy. When He is full of mercy there is nothing else. Carry this view about God toward yourself and towards others.

Pastor Wayne Simpson


God’s favor is for life!