Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and have been called according to His purpose.
Everyone deals with disappointment and challenges that do not seem to make sense and it is so easy to become discouraged and ask, "why is this happening to me?" Why did that friend not get healed? Why did I lose my job? Why did this person wrong me?
An important perspective to carry in life is the understanding that life is not fair, but God is fair. And in Romans 8:28 He promises that all things work together for your good. The keyword here is “together”. You cannot isolate the challenges in one area of your life and say your whole life is now ruined. It's only one part of your life or it might be just one chapter of your life but God sees the whole story of your life.
If anyone had reason to think this way it was Joseph.
When things just seemed to go from bad to worse he chose to believe and trust in God. And we see the redeeming power of God to turn situations around and use the bad for Joseph’s good and God’s glory.
The work of the enemy is to sow seeds of bitterness and discouragement within you, knowing that if they take root, they will then spring forth their harvests in your life. But God’s work is to produce harvests of righteousness and if you will allow the seeds of His Word to take root in your heart (Proverbs 4:23), if you will walk in forgiveness, if you will walk in faith, if you will go to the positive and trust God, you will see His redeeming power taking hold of bad situations and miraculously turning them around for good.
An important key is not to be impatient.
Joseph was patient. Abraham was patient. Moses was patient. Paul was patient. All these great men who endured great trials were people who were filled with patience. It's a powerful twin of faith.
Hebrews 6:12 says, to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises of God.
It is impossible to walk by faith without patience. Because faith is not magic where something happens instantaneously. Faith is like a mustard seed that once planted and regularly watered grows and produces its harvest in due time.
There are some things in this life that you will need to keep believing for many years, perhaps decades before you will see the fruit. That is going to take great patience. But that’s what attracted God to Abraham, to Joseph, and to Moses! It was their ability to endure through the marathons, not just the sprints.
Walk in patience and continue to declare the redeeming power of God over your life and the trial you are enduring. Don’t become discouraged at how long it is taking. Rather, meditate upon the great fathers of the faith who have gone before you in the scriptures. Be encouraged by living role models of faith and patience today!