Philippians 2:17-18
But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you. So you too should be glad and rejoice with me.
In the above scripture Paul is saying “listen up everyone, I know ‘serving the Lord is not always easy’. I know this more than anyone as I’m under house arrest, I’m being poured out on the altar of sacrifice like a drink offering but I’m still rejoicing”.
In other words – you too can rejoice, even in the midst of the most difficult circumstances.
“Our joy is not a circumstantial joy built on the fault-line of our feelings – but a joy that is securely fixed to our faith in Christ.” (Steven Furtick)
And the evidence of joy in your life is the real evidence of spiritual growth.
To illustrate, children are not good at handling discomfort. They complain almost immediately. But the evidence that children are maturing is seen through their ability to endure discomfort – or things they do not want to do like eating vegetables; cleaning their teeth; homework; cleaning up one’s room and later in life: dealing with difficult bosses and challenging situations.
And it is exactly the same when it comes to your faith. Handling discomfort is an evidence that you are spiritually maturing.
Philippians 2 is a keynote address when it comes to the topic of Joy because Paul gives you a powerful principle a powerful practice and a powerful perspective in life.
Life Principle – You can only work joy out if God has worked joy in.
The Spirit of God supplies joy in your life (Galatians 5:22). It’s not about you trying to produce it. Let Jesus produce it in you through His Holy Spirit. Turn your attention to Jesus. He is your Shepherd, your God of Hope, your salvation and the One who works joy into you.
Life Practice – Thankfulness sustains joy in your life.
Paul says, “do everything without complaining or arguing…” (Philippians 2:14). Give Thanks or Complain are your two options in life. Israel wandered in the wilderness for 40 years because of a complaining spirit. Complain means to “spend another night” in Hebrew. Complaining will only delay everything in your life. Make a decision to carry thankfulness.
Life Perspective – Joy is a product of perspective, not circumstances.
Paul is speaking about the purifying work of trials in your life. Trials have a purpose – they will purify and perfect your faith (James 1:3) when you carry the right perspective. Abraham, against all hope, continued to hope. He didn’t give voice to his feelings – he continued to believe and trust God in faith.
If you have lost your joy in life, turn your eyes back onto Jesus, your God of Hope and He will fill you with all joy by the power of His Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13).