Ezekiel 37:4 Then he said to me, “Speak a prophetic message to these bones and say, ‘Dry bones, listen to the word of the Lord!'
Prayers are prophecies. The best predictor of your spiritual future and who you become is determined by your prayer life.
Every prayer you pray is a prophecy that God seals until its designated time. It’s never early and never late. When the time comes (“kairos” not “chronos”) the prayer will be unsealed and the answer revealed.
There are two Greek words for time:
“Kairos” – refers to an appointed time in the purpose of God, e.g harvest time
“Chronos” – refers to a specific amount of time, like the number of minutes, or hours or days
Although you might pray every day for a certain time frame (chronos), what is really happening is your prayers are preparing you for divinely ordained events that are appointed by God (kairos).
So your prayers are never wasted and they never cease to exist. Your words in this world at some point cease to exist because sound waves eventually run out of energy. But your prayers are sealed forever. They are not subject to the natural laws of this world, they are subject to God’s eternal spiritual laws.
Your prayers accumulate throughout your life. They are the real measure of your wealth and riches. Everything you possess in this life will vanish. But your prayers continue in Heaven (Revelation 5:8).
In the valley of dry bones, God is expanding Ezekiel's imagination by asking the question “Can these bones live?”
He could never have imagined that unless God revealed it to Him. Your imagination is the key to prayer and prophesy. The imagination of the heart is the pathway to prayer. It’s how we live by faith rather than logic.
Logic keeps your prayer life small and insignificant – it does not need God. But when you imagine, when you dream, when you allow God to give you a vision like He gave Ezekiel, faith springs forth and that will keep you praying.
The more you pray the bigger your dreams, the more you dream the more you will have to pray.
Can you see the connection between your imagination, faith, and prayer?
When imagination is sacrificed on the altar of logic, God is robbed of glory that rightfully belongs to Him. But nothing honors and glorifies God more than when we dream big and begin to pray and prophesy over that dream!
Nothing is better for our spiritual development than to have a big dream, big imaginations, because it keeps us on our knees in raw dependence on God.