Genesis 26:1-3 Now there was a famine in the land…and Isaac went down to Abimelek king of the Philistines in Gerar. The Lord appeared to Isaac and said, “Do not go down to Egypt; live in the land where I tell you to live… and I will be with you and bless you.
God told Isaac not to go down to Egypt. Despite the famine in the land, the Lord said He would be with Isaac and would bless him.
This is a powerful promise for you today if you will receive it, especially when experiencing times of downturn.
Even in the middle of a famine, Isaac was blessed and reaped a hundred-fold harvest. No one else in the land reaped a blessing. Why was that? It was because Isaac was “blessed by the Lord.”
Verse 12 says, “…because the Lord blessed him.”
How awesome is that! This is true freedom! To know that success, blessing, and promotion are not based on your effort, hard work or what you have to do – but it’s based on the blessing that comes through the Lord.
When you think the blessing is based on something you have to do – if it is not coming, you will start working harder, longer and what eventually happens is you burn out or your family burns out! But when you understand the blessing is because you are a child of God, blessed in Christ, then you can rest in that truth.
Scripture says that like Isaac, you are a child of promise:
Galatians 3:29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Now here is the truth when it comes to receiving all of the blessings of Abraham that is yours through Christ – It’s being Christ conscious, not self-conscious.
Christ conscious people see their blessing as a consequence of their position in Christ – what Christ has done for them.
Self-conscious people see their blessing as a consequence of their condition – what they have to do.
If you read the entire chapter of Genesis 26, you will note that a key to Isaac’s blessing was his wells. His wells were flowing. And everyone else’s wells were dried up. This is a powerful metaphor for us today. Those wells are a picture of Christ who is our Living Well today!
Jesus said in John 4 that He is the Living Well. He was talking to the Samaritan woman and said that ‘living waters will flow from Him.’ This is why you can be blessed and overflowing in your life even in the midst of economic famines. It’s because the source of your blessing and prosperity comes from within, and not from the outside.
Don’t be self-conscious by thinking it is all up to you.
Be Christ conscious and trust that He is your source!