Luke 10:41-42 And Jesus answered, “Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken from her”.
Jesus observes two sisters, Mary and Martha. One hurries around attending to the everyday necessities of life. The other draws back from this world of activity and quietly positions herself before Jesus, listening.
This picture sounds ever so similar to a picture Jesus paints in Matthew 6:25-33.
He says do not worry about life and the everyday needs that life requires and demands. Jesus is not saying they are unnecessary – but He goes on to say “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness (the gift of righteousness that comes from Him, not through what you do)…”.
Jesus is saying a similar thing to Martha here in Luke 10. There are many activities to life Martha, but one thing is needed, one thing is paramount, one thing should be sought after first – and your sister Mary has chosen that one thing.
Jesus and His Righteousness is the One Thing.
These two sisters are an interesting metaphor for life. The truth is, both are needed – it is not an either/or situation.
We need “Martha” – You need to attend to all the everyday matters of life… you need to eat, drink and sleep; you need to wash, maintain hygiene and health; you need to work, save and pay taxes; you need to clean, organize and maintain; you need to plant, build and reap…
But you also need “Mary” – you need to withdraw, meditate and pray; you need to worship, fast and pray again; you need to read the word, serve and keep praying; you need to dream, envision and yes, pray some more…
These are the “two sisters” of life.
Often, one of these sisters is demanding more of you than the other. One of these sisters consumes your world. For most, it’s “Martha”. It is the busyness of life and everyday activities that fall heavily on us. This can make us rich in worldliness but very dry spiritually. We lose touch with God and fall into the lifestyle of the masses.
Paul is not saying you need to spend your life idle at the feet of Jesus. But this posture and position is the Well of Spiritual Life that resources everything else in your life.
Paul does warn us against idleness and says in 2 Thessalonians 3 to keep away from idleness as idle people can become disruptive through chasing false doctrines and spiritual red herrings.
But understand the role of these two sisters in life, and neglect neither – attend to “Martha”, but give priority to “Mary”, noting Jesus' words… “Martha, you are troubled by many things. But one thing is needed...”.
Choose the One Thing.