Grace Revival Church Hong Kong

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Hebrews 4:16 Let us, therefore, come boldly to the throne room of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace in the time of need.

God will move heaven and earth for you if you will trust Him.

He says in Mark 11:23, ‘whoever says to the mountain be removed and be cast into the sea, and does not doubt in their heart but believes those things they say will happen, it will be done for them’.

This is called possessing a confidence in God. You know you can come into the throne room of grace with boldness.

In the Old Testament, there was absolutely no boldness at all – only fear and trembling. Only the priest could enter into the Holy Tabernacle. They were even too afraid to call God by His name “YHWH” (Jehovah) fearing that it was so holy they would die. So they would say the Hebrew word “Adonay” which means “Lord”.

In Christ, we are now citizens of Heaven and we can enter into the deepest, holiest part of God’s throne room because it's a throne room of grace. And this is where your confidence comes from – it’s not from you, your ability, your intelligence, your good works, your great faith, your anything – but the grace of God.

God’s grace is the source of your confidence – it’s not self-confidence, but a God-confidence.

And in this throne room of grace, you can find mercy and help in your time of need. God is merciful and that’s why it's a throne room of grace. Whatever you have done, whatever your failings, understand God is full of mercy and is waiting for you to come to Him!

Also, understand there is an unlimited supply of mercy and help. When you believe it – confidence in God will grow. You will start praying to God because your confidence is growing. You will start praying boldly because your confidence is growing. You will start causing problems for the kingdom of darkness because your confidence is growing.

I like the story of the persistent woman in Luke 18 where Jesus is teaching about prayer and never giving up. This woman never gave up because she possessed a confidence that she would receive justice.

Her persistence was not founded on something vague and visionless – no, she knew what belonged to her. It was a strong belief within her and this was the key to her confidence.

How much more then should you carry a confidence in what Christ has purchased for you, knowing that God will withhold no good thing from you (Psalm 84:11).

When you pray, pray like the persistent woman – not vague prayers and not visionless prayers. Be crystal clear and filled with conviction within your heart. See it down there in your heart and pray out of what you see.

That’s when no good thing is withheld from you!

Pastor Wayne Simpson


God withholds no good thing from you.