Grace Revival Church Hong Kong

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Exodus 12:13 Now the blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you…

This is the command God gave to Moses on the first Passover, the night before Israel triumphantly marched out of Egypt.

Pharaoh, the most powerful man in the world, had stubbornly resisted God through nine plagues. But this was the final plague that would bring the god’s of Egypt to their knees. (Exodus 12:12)

God instructed every Israelite family to take a lamb, smear its blood over the doorposts as a sign and protection against the angel of death.

I can just imagine what some families were thinking – "let's smear as much blood over the door and the walls as we can, just to make sure that the angel of death sees the blood". But the truth is, just a sprinkling of blood, even just a drop was enough. All of Israel would have been doing this in faith. To some, it may have even seemed foolish and others probably did it in fear wondering what it would do. But all they needed to do was smear that blood on the doorpost – whether they understood it or not and that blood was going to protect them and bring them deliverance! Because God gave His Word.

And it is the same when it comes to the blood of Jesus today.

This event in the Old Testament was a sign – a powerful sign that pointed to an event that would bring deliverance for all humanity. It points to Jesus upon the cross. And in the same way, the blood and the body of the lamb brought Israel deliverance from Pharaoh, sickness, and disease, Christ’s broken body, and blood brings you deliverance from sin and sickness today.

Jesus, on the night before He was betrayed powerfully connected His death to the first Passover, what we call the Last Supper. Jesus took the bread, broke it, and declared “this is my body which is broken for you”. He poured the wine which represented His blood and “he poured out for many”.

Today, this is practiced through the Holy Communion. Remember, every time you partake of the bread and the cup, this what it truly represents:

  • The bread proclaims Christ’s “broken, torn” body, so you can be “whole”. If sickness, disease, curses, or addictions have over-powered you, see the broken body of Jesus as you partake the bread breaking the power of these over your life.

  • The wine/juice proclaims the blood of Jesus. That blood saved Israel and it saves you today. If that blood can save you from eternal death, it can save and protect you from anything on this temporal planet. As you drink that cup, see your forgiveness and the Lord’s protection for you and your family.

Pastor Wayne Simpson


See Jesus’ blood as your forgiveness and protection; and His broken body as your healing and wholeness.