Grace Revival Church Hong Kong

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Hebrews 4:3 For we who have believed do enter that rest….

Kingdom rest can be difficult for many believers to comprehend because when we rest, we don't work and when we work we are certainly not resting.

So what does this word “rest” actually mean?

Rest is referring to the inner world of your heart. It doesn't mean that you go on an extended sabbatical and do nothing – if you do you will be disappointed. Scripture is filled with references to being diligent, productive, faithful, preparing, planning, training, sowing, and reaping. Paul says to run the race so as to win the prize – that takes some effort. He says the hard-working farmer is the first to be rewarded. So “rest” does not mean the absence of physical work, even hard work.

Rest relates to the internal rhythms of grace, peace, joy, righteousness, and belief in your heart.

When it comes to your family, do everything that you need to do as a parent to raise your kids - training them, disciplining them, educating them – but in all that you do, put your trust not in your own work, but in the work of God. Believe and trust that His hand is upon them and He will guide them, protect them, and keep them.

It's the same when it comes to your careers and even ministry service to the Lord.

There must be daily preparation – whether it’s for presentation pitches or preaching – anything short of preparation is laziness. But the key is just don’t depend upon your preparation.

For the preacher, even though you have prepared sermons and even fine-tuned those sermons – don't be so rigid that you only allow what is written down on paper to be communicated. Allow the leading of the Spirit to direct you and fill your mouth with words God wants to be spoken.

For the marketplace, likewise, do everything you have to, in order to prepare for meetings and potential new client engagements, but don’t be dependent upon what you have prepared. Go into those meetings and trust that God is going in with you. You may not even go down the path of your presentation because it might not be what the client needs or wants.

So many times, in both the marketplace and ministry-related meetings, I did my preparation and thought I had covered all bases, only to feel the conversation going down completely different paths and the Holy Spirit providing all the necessary promptings through pictures, intuition, and gut-feelings. These are the meetings that have produced the greatest results and fruitfulness in my life.

The Kingdom life of “rest” is not a trouble-free life. Trouble will surface the more you engage, lead, disciple, and build the Kingdom of God. But so too does the grace of God which empowers you and enables you to do all things in Christ.

Continue to see the Lord’s grace and favor over you believing the Lord is with you, growing you as your world grows around you.

Pastor Wayne Simpson


When you are at rest with God, He goes to work in your life!